About Us
Why Choose NATCOM
Courses by:
Dr Ian Lochlin
Australian Vice President – Hypnosis / NLP Assoc.
(AAPHAN) Dr Ian Lochlin is Internationally recognized for his skills as a Master NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist.
He has extensive knowledge of NLP and Hypnosis having worked or studied with many well know trainers, such as Tad James, Anthony Robbins, Bob Proctor. He also has a background in Counselling for a number of years with “Community Youth Support Schemes” and assisted in founding the Australian College of Applied Psychology in the early 80’s. Dr Lochlin has served previously as President and is currently Vice President of AAPHAN (The Australian Association of Professional Hypnotherapists & NLP Practitioners), and has a close association with HAQ and the HCA (Hypnosis Council of Australia). HCA is the newly formed National Body where NATCOM is one of the two Training Schools appointed to the Executive Board.
Dr Lochlin remains committed to promoting the professional and ethical use of Hypnosis and NLP.
NATCOM was the first organization to obtain Government recognition, through the VETEC scheme, for Hypnosis and NLP trainings in Australia.
NATCOM is now an Member Educational Organisation (MEO) of the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA) the national peak body for hypnotherapy in Australia.
The National College of Neuro Linguistic Communication®
NATCOM is a privately owned provider of educational courses. It was formed in 1995 by James Pocock, and has subsequently specialised in providing quality training in Self Empowerment, Hypnosis training and NLP training courses and Counselling Skills.
James Pocock has now retired but remains with NATCOM as an advisor.
Mission Statement:
NATCOM’s mission is to provide you with a high quality education in all areas of Self Empowerment. to approved international standards, particularly Neuro Linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnosis and Counselling Skills. With this in mind, and to preserve its established reputation and integrity for the content of its courses, NATCOM focuses its attention towards industry specific international recognition. Current recognising bodies include ABCH, HAQ, AAPHAN and IANLP. Business courses: Two day courses taylored to suit the client’s business environment. We come to you. Classes from 10 to 15 participants. Individual courses: Each successfully completed course is recognised by a Statement of Attainment issued by NATCOM.
Graduates who have attained Master Practitioner level in NLP and Hypnosis and who have satisfactorily completed the Counselling Skills course are eligible to be awarded a Diploma in Communications and permitted to use the letters Dip.Com after their names. The award of the Diploma is made at the annual graduation ceremony. Attendance is optional.
Personal details provided by applicants for courses will be used to provide ongoing information relating to Hypnosis, NLP, Counselling and allied subjects. All information provided to NATCOM or its officers by students, will remain confidential and will not be passed on to any third party without permission being given.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) RPL can be given for approved courses. Conditions apply.
Contact us for details.